Monday, June 15, 2009

The Omaha World Herald

Two men who escaped from a Kansas jail have been recaptured in Beatrice, Nebraska. The inmates escaped after overpowering a guard Sunday night. They are both in jail on murder charges. I am glad that the police were able to capture these two scary people that belong behind bars before they hurt anyone.

According to a published report, the air across is Iowa is so polluted that the state is close to violating new federal limits, but many Iowans, including me, have no way of knowing what chemicals they are breathing. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources will begin requiring major industries to do more thorough testing.

After 20 years, Ghostbusters may be making a come back. The famous actor from the film, Dan Aykrod has been waiting for two decades for the film franchise to come back from Hollywood's great beyond. Within the next month, a script is due from "The Office" writing team.

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