Friday, June 19, 2009

The Denver Post

The Health Department is warning people not to eat Nestle raw cookie dough because of possible E. coli contamination. The state health department said that 66 cases from 28 states have been identified, including five in Colorado. I am guilty of eating raw cookie dough when I am baking for my family. I like it better than a baked cookie. I guess I will start resisting the urge to dip my fingers in the batter, but it will be difficult.

Consumers could get up to $4,500 toward a new car. The government is offering incentives this summer for consumers to trade their old gas guzzlers in for a new more fuel-efficient vehicle. President Obama is expected to sign into law the "cash for clunkers" program, which has been approved by the Senate. The plan works when car owners trade in a vehicle getting 18 miles per gallon or less for one getting at least 22 mpg. The dealership would give them a $3,500 voucher and if their new truck or SUV was at least 5 mpg higher than the older vehicle, they would receive a voucher for $4,500. I think that this a great program and will help the economy and the environment at the same time.

Jon and Kate are announcing a major decision on Monday. Jon and Kate from the TLC Network are going to make a big announcement on Monday's episode. This news is meant for viewers to become intrigued and make sure that they watch the episode. Since their marriage has become strained the show has increased in viewers but since the season premiere the numbers have dwindled. I use to love this show and enjoyed watching the sextuplets and twins grow but I cannot watch the show anymore. It has turned into a circus and Kate has to be the ring leader in each episode and I am sick of her.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Omaha World Herald

Two men who escaped from a Kansas jail have been recaptured in Beatrice, Nebraska. The inmates escaped after overpowering a guard Sunday night. They are both in jail on murder charges. I am glad that the police were able to capture these two scary people that belong behind bars before they hurt anyone.

According to a published report, the air across is Iowa is so polluted that the state is close to violating new federal limits, but many Iowans, including me, have no way of knowing what chemicals they are breathing. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources will begin requiring major industries to do more thorough testing.

After 20 years, Ghostbusters may be making a come back. The famous actor from the film, Dan Aykrod has been waiting for two decades for the film franchise to come back from Hollywood's great beyond. Within the next month, a script is due from "The Office" writing team.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The LA Times

President Barack Obama has promised more than 600,000 new jobs this summer with accelerated spending of some of the $787-billion economic stimulus that Congress approved earlier this year. It is great to finally hear good news about the job market. In the Spring, unemployment numbers throughout the country were at all time highs. This will help not only help our economy tremendously but also our country's morals as well.

In California the Assembly has approved a bill regulating food at child-care centers. The bill passed will set minimum standards for food licenced child-care centers, requiring a vegetable to be part of lunch and supper. The law will also require low-fat or skim milk to be served, limiting sugar in cereals, and eliminate deep frying. An estimated 21% of the county's preschoolers are obese. As a mother, I feel that this bill needs to be implemented in counties all of the country. We need to encourage our children to eat healthier and we need to teach them at a young age what they need to eat in order to be healthy and productive.

Ailing Patrick Swayze's show "The Beast", will not be back on t.v. Swayze is fighting pancreatic cancer and although the A&E drama had great ratings, the network has decided against another season. Swayze continues to battle cancer and rumors continue to swirl that his health is rapidly deteriorating. I have been a huge fan of Swayze's since Dirty Dancing. I wanted to be Baby as I thought that Swayze was so beautiful and erotic. I hope that his health improves and that he can find success in other endeavors.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Chicago Tribune

In reading the Chicage Tribune online, I found many interesting articles. The first article I read was about a twenty-seven year old Chicage police officer who was killed early Monday morning in his neighborhood on the south side of the city. Alex Valadez was not on duty at the time and was in his vehicle when the shooting happened. He is one of three police officers to be killed in the last twelve months in Chicago. What a sad story as he was such a positive role model for many and to have his life cut short because of someone's senseless act is horrific. I only hope they find the killer before anyone else is harmed.

Susan Boyle, the runner-up on "Britian's got Talent", is suffering from exhaustion. Susan rose to fame on the popular television show and many predicted her to be the top winner. She lost to a male dance group and although she congratulated them on their win deep down she was devastated and her hometown was in uproar as they felt she should have won. I feel that Susan was a great sport and handled the stress and exposure into her life well. I also feel that maybe her looks had an effect on some voters. As sad as that is, I think that our society is brain washed by the media and magazines as to what beauty should look like rather than the inner beauty of a person.

Scientists have discovered a compound which can help you lose weight, reduce your risks of diseases, and even incease your life span. This compound is called Resveratrol, which is a natural compund found in the skin of red grapes and red wine. Dr. Oz, who was recently on the Oprah show commented on the pill by saying, "This pill is the Holy Grail of aging research." I try to be an optomistic and feel that people should give the pill a try. I think that my parents look better now in their sixties than they ever have in their life as they are aging beautifully but with age comes many ailments and diseases. I would be supportive of them taking the pill if it would mean that I would have more productive and healthy years with them.